All your data,
All in one place

The days of multiple tabs for your data views are over,
view all your important data sources for monitoring at a glance

The Ultimate Dashboard for Developers


    check mark
  • One tab instead of dozens
  • check mark
  • All your important data sources in one place
  • check mark
  • Get insights and analytics on your data
  • check mark
  • Customize your dashboard to your needs

One Dashboard to rule them all

Dashboards Without Dev Dials

  • x iconManually check multiple platforms
  • x iconFragmented data across different services
  • x iconChance to miss critical updates
  • x iconTime-consuming to integrate data for analysis
  • x iconStress of managing dozens of tools

Dashboards With Dev Dials

  • x iconOne dashboard for all data
  • x iconMerge logging, git, and CI/CD easily
  • x iconReal-time updates in one place
  • x iconEasier analysis with combined sources
  • x iconLess stress with centralized monitoring

Why Dev Dials?

dashboard screenshot

Consolidated Data, at a glance

Dev Dials eliminates the need for multiple tabs and platforms. Monitor all your important data sources at a glance with one centralized dashboard.

Take Back Your Time Manage Data with Custom Dashboards

Choose the plan that fits your needs and get started with Dev Dials

Basic Plan

$89 $39 USD

  • check mark iconCustom dashboards

  • check mark icon5 Data Sources

  • check mark icon1 project

One-time payment

Pro Plan

$119 $59 USD

  • check mark iconCustom dashboards

  • check mark iconUnlimited Data Sources

  • check mark iconCustom Data Source Integration
  • check mark iconUnlimited projects

One-time payment

Connect Your Data Sources and Rejoice

Connect a Data Source

Go to the ‘Settings’ section, choose ‘Data Sources’, and select ‘Add New’. Follow the prompts to authenticate and connect your preferred platforms like GitHub, GitLab, Jenkins, etc.

Configure Your Dashboard

After connecting your data sources, visit the ‘Dashboard’ section. Use the ‘Customize’ option to add, remove, or rearrange data panels according to your needs.